14 June

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Onward in Tracing Out New Paths for Our Mission

14 June 2011: Today we opened the first of our four Continental Meetings for the Apostolate-Administration. Forty-eight sisters, including several members of the General Government and Preparatory Commission, are participating in this 10-day encounter for all our circumscriptions of Asia and the Pacific.

The meeting is being held in Seoul, Korea, in our beautiful Miari compound, which is home to a large community of professed sisters, young women in formation and the provincial government. The central departments of the FSP apostolate in this circumscription are also located here.

The encounter began with a visit to the various apostolic sectors-all of which are pervaded by a spirit of dynamic activity and creativity.

The creativity of our Korean sisters also emerged during the Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by Fr. Maggiorino An, SSP provincial superior.

In fact, the Liturgy opened with a beautiful dance in which several sisters expressed their gratitude to God on behalf of all the Daughters of St. Paul of Asia and the Pacific by means of the five brightly-colored scarves that they gracefully rotated during the performance. The light-green scarf expressed hope in the redesigning of our mission, while the dark-green one symbolized the different languages and races present at the meeting. The red scarf stood for the trials and problems that we-like all human beings-often encounter, while the orange one symbolized the innovations the Lord is preparing for us. And finally, the blue scarf represented the providence of God, who unites and leads us.

In her introductory address, Sr. M. Antonietta Bruscato, Superior General, prepared us for the work scheduled to initiate in the afternoon, saying: “Onward in tracing out new paths for our mission!” This compelling invitation will give thrust to our work in the coming days.

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