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São Paulo, 10 August 2011
Dearest Sisters,
Today we reflected more profoundly on the theme of our meeting: Imbued with the Word, we trace out new paths for our mission, through the talks of our two guest speakers, Dom José Antonio Peruzzo, Bishop of Palmas and Francisco Beltrao, and Dr. Gerson Ramos, a book seller, formator and consultant for publishing companies.
Dom Peruzzo discussed the theme of our meeting from the socio-ecclesial perspective, guiding us along the paths suggested by the Synod on the Word of God for the Churches of the Americas. Taking as his starting point the proposals of the bishops of the Americas, he highlighted the need to overcome the restrictive concept of the Word as a “book.” Scripture, he said, puts into practice what it says to the degree that we live our personal encounter with Jesus Christ. As disciples and apostles of the Word, the Daughters of St. Paul should become more creative in helping people approach Scripture as a Person and should direct everything to the Word, beginning with their own lives on the individual, communitarian and apostolic levels.
The talk of Dr. Gerson Ramos revealed his great openness to the future of diffusion, especially through book stores. Citing Fr. Alberione, whose vision of the Pauline book center was advanced for his time and still very current today, Dr. Ramos emphasized that the FSPs should take always greater advantage of the opportunities offered by the new instruments of communication and by the social networks–a phenomenon used by many people today. After reminding us that content continues to be the key word in the information age. Dr. Ramos then suggested eight concrete steps to take so as to use social networks effectively.
As you can see, themes to reflect on are not lacking and neither are challenges! In the afternoon, we compared ideas on all this input in our small study groups, followed by an assembly session aimed at arriving at a convergence of thought concerning what elements should be priorities in our Global Apostolic Project.
Attached to this letter are the two talks we listened to today. Thank you once again for the messages you continue to send us and also for your prayers. The next news flash will concern the work we do on Thursday because on Wednesday we will be visiting the various apostolic sectors.
Sr. Anna Caiazza